Neuropsychology is a Psychology specialty dedicated to the study of the relation between the brain structure and cognitive functionality and behavior of human beings.
In the clinical field several neuro-psychologist evaluations are performed to people with neural damage or cognitive alterations. This is done in order to identify aspects or factors that are affecting the following functions:
• Lenguage.
• Learning Skills.
• Memory.
• Movement.
• Attention Processes.
• Problem Resolution.
• Desicion Making.
• Mental Flexibility.
• Inhibitory Control.
• Information Processing Speed.
• Other vital functionalities.
Our goal is to complete a neuro-psychology rehabilitation process. This aims to recover, compensate, substitute, and optimize the capabilities of the patient in order to increase his or her functionality under a biopsychosocial approach, based on the evidence that involves the patient and his/her family.
We work with pathologies such as:
• Dementia disorders (Alzheimer Disease, Vascular Dementia, Lewy´s Dementia, Parkinson Dementia, and others).
• Cerebrovascular events.
• Brain tumors.
• Head Injuries.
• Neurodevelopmental disorders.
• Mental diseases.
• Other conditions of the central nervous system.